Top Mega Teams in Mesa, Arizona – Ranked by Sides
- Individuals
- Small Teams
- Medium Teams
- Large Teams
- Mega Teams
- United States
- International
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Mesa
- Phoenix
- Tuscon
- Arkansas
- California
- Bakersfield
- Fresno
- Long Beach
- Los Angeles
- Oakland
- Sacramento
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Jose
- Colorado
- Colorado Springs
- Denver
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Jacksonville
- Miami
- Naples
- Georgia
- Atlanta
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Chicago
- Indiana
- Indianapolis
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Wichita
- Kentucky
- Louisville
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Baltimore
- Massachusetts
- Boston
- Michigan
- Detroit
- Minnesota
- Minneapolis
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Kansas City
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Omaha
- Nevada
- Las Vegas
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- Albuquerque
- New York
- New York, NY
- North Carolina
- Charlotte
- Raleigh
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Columbus
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma City
- Tulsa
- Oregon
- Portland
- Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Memphis
- Nashville
- Texas
- Arlington
- Austin
- Dallas
- El Paso
- Fort Worth
- Houston
- San Antonio
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Virginia Beach
- Washington
- Seattle
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Milwaukee
- Wyoming
- Districts & Territories
- Guam
- Puerto Rico
- Washington, D.C.
Rank – City Sides | Team Name | Company | Location | Sides | Profile |
1 | Be Wealthy Network | Keller Williams | Mesa, AZ | 806.5 | View Profile |
2023 Mesa, Arizona Housing Market Summary
Mesa, Arizona started 2023 with a total of 841 single-family homes on the market, with a median home price of $489,000 and an average price per square foot of $271. By the end of the year, inventory had decreased to 646 homes on the market (-23%), with a median home price of $519,945 (+6%) and an average price per square foot of $286 (+5%).
At the start of 2023, the median days on market (DOM) was 70 days – by the end of the year, median DOM had decreased to 49 days.
Mesa started the year with 61% of homes taking a price cut (for reference, 35% is the national average for price reductions in a ‘normal’ year.) By the end of the year, about 48% of Mesa homes for sale had taken a price cut.
Finally, Altos’ proprietary Market Action Index (MAI) shows that Mesa started 2023 as a seller’s market, with an MAI score of 42; by the end of the year, the MAI had dropped to 39 – a slight seller’s advantage.
This market summary is powered by Altos Research – click here to run a free report for your area.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are real estate transaction sides defined?
A transaction side represents one side of a transaction: the buyer side or the seller side. If an agent represents both the buyer and the seller, the transaction side is counted twice.
How is real estate sales volume defined?
Real estate sales volume is defined as the total dollar value of all real estate transactions facilitated by an agent or a brokerage. This encompasses the sum of the sale prices of all properties sold, and not the profit or commission made from these sales.
What are the classifications of team size?
Small: 2-5 licensed agents
Medium: 6-10 licensed agents
Large: 11-20 licensed agents
Mega: 21+ licensed agents
What time period is the data used in the rankings from?
The RealTrends Agent Rankings reflect the previous calendar year. For example, the 2023 rankings show data from calendar year 2022.
Additional questions?
View the full Rankings FAQ page here.