Retirement always seems like a lifetime away, until it’s just around the corner. Then, you’ve suddenly got to start thinking about all these things that you were able to put off for so long. Now, you have to pay extra special attention to your savings account, to see if you’ve got enough to see your retirement out at a leisurely pace.
While you might still feel like retirement is a long way off, the reality is that it’s not – and the more you do to safeguard it now, the better off you’ll be when it comes. Let’s take a look at how not to go broke in retirement so that you can hedge your bets and have a good few years not working.
1. Don’t Let Go of Your Stocks
You might have had a good few years there for a bit, and you felt so confident about the financial situation that you let go of your stocks. Everyone knows that investing in stocks can be a risky investment, and as we approach another year of unknown economic scenarios, it might be tempting for you to quit while you’re ahead and get rid of your stocks.
However, we don’t recommend that you do if you don’t want to go broke in retirement. The suggestion is that you have at least some of your savings in stocks throughout your retirement so that you can have growth potential and diversification is possible. The trouble with getting rid of your stocks altogether is that the spending power of your money reduces every year with inflation.
Keep your money in stocks – and if you’ve pulled it out, put it back in. If you don’t have the finances to do so right now, we suggest finding a buffer. Consider auto title loans to boost your reinvestment, so that you can set yourself up for success in retirement.
2. Don’t Invest Too Much in Stocks
With the recommendation that you keep your money in stocks, we also have to recommend that you don’t put all of it in there at once. Whether you make money from them or not, the reality is that stocks are risky, which is why it’s worth not having all of your eggs in one basket.
As well as keeping some of your nest egg away from stock investment, you also need to diversify what you’re investing in if you want to reduce your risk across the board. Go for some large, some small, and some international stocks. This way, they’re far enough away from one another that the risk they present is low.
3. Plan for the Future
While we all want to live until we’re well into our nineties, the reality of this is another story altogether when you’re thinking about finances. When thinking about your upcoming retirement, you might have only planned for a couple of decades.
What if you live well into your nineties like you’re banking on? If this is the case, then you’ll need a lot more money to get you through. This is why you need to financially plan for a 30-year retirement, at least so that you can cover it all, even when you’re at the other end of it.
4. Don’t Spend Too Much Right Now
Whether you’re in your thirties, forties, or fifties, there’s always the temptation to spend your money now and worry about the consequences of it later. However, while this might sound like nothing more than common sense, it’s important not to spend too much right now if you want to get through your retirement without too much financial stress.
Be frugal, think ahead, and know that the more you save now, the easier life will be. If you don’t want to be left broke and stressed at the end of your life, make sure that you have a solid plan and that you can save accordingly.