For the first time, we ranked teams in our reports by their size based on the number of licensed Realtors® they had on the team. Small teams had 2-5 members, medium teams had 6-10, and large teams had 11 or more. We’ve measured the relative production and productivity of these different-sizes teams and found some interesting data:
Sides per Volume per Average # of All
Size of Team Realtor® Realtor® Realtors®
Small team 31.3 $9,035,723 3.5
Medium team 18.1 $6,110,378 7.5
Large team 12.8 $4,776,607 17.8
Overall 17.1 $6,981,540 7.2
Now look at the average productivity per team:
Size of Team Total Sides Total Volume
Small teams 109.6 $31,625,030
Medium teams 135.8 $45,827,835
Large teams 227.8 $85,023,604
If we assume a national average commission rate of 2.45% for each of these teams, then small teams are averaging $777,976 in gross commissions (before splits or cost-sharing with their brokerage firm), $1.2 million in gross commissions for medium teams and $2.1 million for large teams.
Looking at teams on our 2020 REAL Trends + Tom Ferry America’s Best Rankings, the aggregate numbers of sides, volume and gross commission income estimates are as follows:
Total transaction sides 116,759
Total sales volume $47,669,955,120
Total gross commissions $1,167,913,900
We thought these data numbers would be of interest to our readers.